As tensions between Ethiopia and Eritrea escalate, the region of Tigray stands at the heart of a looming conflict, writes one ...
The National Rehabilitation Commission (NRC) announced that Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) activities in Tigray, which had been suspended due to "certain technical and political ...
Fano fought beside federal troops during the two-year conflict in Tigray, but in the aftermath, Amhara people from outside ...
Nearly 1,000 civilians have been killed in military drone strikes across Africa over the past three years, highlighting the urgent need for international oversight, according to a Drone Wars UK report ...
New books from Molly Yeh, Hailee Catalano, Meera Sodha, Calvin Eng, and more will whet your appetite for a new season ...
To effectively deliver justice for international crimes, an independent international cooperation unit is essential. Ethiopia ...
By Kathryn AllanAmnesty International Australia International and Crisis Strategic Campaigner Women are the resistance.  ...
Press Release - In Ethiopia, maintaining the potency of life-saving vaccines is a huge challenge, especially in rural communities and those affected by conflict, where cold chain infrastructure is ...
For over three centuries, Ethiopia has been shackled to the iron clasp of the gun, where power and violence have been indistinguishable lovers in a tragic dance. Regardless of who ascended the throne, ...