The British Expedition to Abyssinia meets Tewodros II, Emperor of Ethiopia Credit: ALAMY The African nation will need to persuade unit veterans and serving officers who oversee museums dedicated ...
It was cut from the head of Emperor Tewodros II, who killed himself rather than be taken prisoner by the British during their 1868 invasion of Ethiopia. His seven-year-old son Prince Alemayehu was ...
During the Battle of Magdala – fought in 1868 – British troops looted treasures and sacred manuscripts from northern Abyssinia – now Ethiopia. Emperor Tewodros II reigned as Emperor between ...
The objects were plundered by British forces from the fortress of Magdala after the defeat of the Ethiopian Emperor Tewodros II in 1868 Credit: Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford Abebaw ...
During this confrontation, British troops, led by General Robert Napier, defeated the forces of Emperor Tewodros II of Abyssinia (modern-day Ethiopia). Following the battle, British forces seized ...