The Maduro government is accusing the oil company of lobbying to facilitate competitor Chevron’s departure from Venezuela, ...
Venezuelan ruler Nicolás Maduro stressed Wednesday that Bolivarian leader Hugo Chávez had not died. He became “immortal and ...
Following U.S. President Donald Trump's creation of the White House Faith Office in early February, Loris Zanatta writes in ...
The heir-designate of President Hugo Chavez is a former bus driver and trade unionist with the Caracas public transport. Nicolás Maduro, 50, has been foreign minister since 2006 and also was ...
Facing the imminent withdrawal from Venezuela of U.S. oil giant Chevron Corp. , strongman Nicolás Maduro is rolling out the ...
Venezuela's Bolivarian ruler Nicolás Maduro is pushing for a Constitutional ... dates back to 1999 when it was promoted by the late Hugo Chávez (1999-2013), who had it modified in 2009 to ...
The Trump administration announced late Wednesday that it is revoking Biden administration-issued licenses for oil and gas ...
Vice President Nicolas Maduro is named by Chavez to succeed ... January 9, 2013 – Venezuela’s Supreme Court rules that Hugo Chavez will remain president even though he is unable to attend ...
(Bloomberg) -- Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro proposed reforming the constitution ... A previous attempt to modify the 1999 constitution by the late Hugo Chávez failed to win sufficient votes ...
Maduro took the place of ailing President Hugo Chavez to deliver the short speech ... legislature if asked to do so by the president. ‘‘Nicolas didn’t come to take the place of the president.
Here is a look at the life of the late Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela from 1998 to 2013.Personal:Birth date: ...