The final figures on your bill will be influenced by factors such as metered usage and how much water you splash out on. These charges are being front-loaded over the next five years, meaning the ...
A BOP whistleblower wrote it is inhumane to house immigrants at the same place where criminals are held. WASHINGTON, D.C. - The federal prison system as of Wednesday was holding about 700 ...
House Budget 2025 is a bill that establishes the congressional budget for the U.S. Government for the 2025 fiscal year and sets forth budgetary levels for the fiscal years 2026 through 2034 ...
Magazine. Dead Oceans/Youtube Folk singer Bill Fay has died. He was 81 years old. The record label Fay released his last three albums with, Dead Oceans, confirmed his death in an Instagram post on ...
Enter House Bill 1531, a new piece of legislation that was advanced on Friday in the House Health Care and Wellness Committee with an 11-7 vote, split strictly along party lines. Democrats ...
You served our city so phenomenally well. Bill Behenna worked for the city of Tallahassee for 36 years, including 25 years as a senior public information officer in the Communications Department.
If you have a $2 bill burning a hole in your pocket, think twice before spending it at some store. The bill itself might be worth a lot more than two dollars — enough to build some serious wealth.
The funeral for Reverend Nelson Johnson is today, he is a survivor of the Greensboro Massacre in 1979. In recent years he founded the Beloved Community Center. WFMY News 2 spoke to both a close ...