Nous avons des bureaux dans plus de 90 pays, grâce auxquels nous apportons assistance et protection aux personnes touchées ...
We have offices in over 90 countries around the world, providing assistance and protection to people affected by conflict.
As a neutral humanitarian intermediary, the ICRC remains committed to its role in facilitating further releases upon the ...
Фоторепортаж Хью Кинселлы Каннингема — победителя фотоконкурса МККК «Humanitarian Visa d’Or» 2024 г.
Si les États ont la liberté de ne pas être neutres, ils ont besoin du CICR pour endosser ce rôle. Un organisme humanitaire ...
States do not need to be neutral, but they need the ICRC to fulfil that role. A neutral humanitarian body is a vital feature ...
Kabul (ICRC) – The director general of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Pierre Krähenbühl, has concluded ...
Neutral, independent and impartial humanitarian action in armed conflict is a fundamental part of our identity. When we act ...
Нейтральная, беспристрастная и независимая организация. Узнайте о наших ценностях, целях и задачах.
在布隆迪,我们与执行维和任务的国家武装部队,以及安全部队、高校和其他关键相关方合作,促进对国际人道法和基本人道原则的尊重。我们还与布隆迪红十字会合作,帮助因该地区的武装 ...
Representing the ICRC to the EU, NATO and the Kingdom of Belgium, the ICRC Brussels Delegation aims to, among others, ensure appropriate consideration for International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and ...
The ICRC responds quickly and efficiently to help people affected by armed conflict. Despite the decline in the number of clashes in the past year, humanitarian consequences such as displacement, ...