Discover the unexpected benefits of donating blood. Regular donation may lower your risk of blood cancers and enhance your health.
Frequent blood donors may experience subtle genetic changes that could lower their risk of developing blood cancers, ...
New research suggests that frequent blood donation can trigger genetic changes that might protect certain stem cells from ...
New research has discovered that donating blood could actually improve blood health drastically, thanks to how your body ...
Men who had given blood more than 100 times in their life were more likely to have blood cells carrying certain beneficial ...
Mumbai: The state health department is ramping up efforts to promote e-RaktKosh — the central govt portal launched in 2016, ...
An 80-year-old woman donated her kidney to her 59-year-old son with end-stage renal disease. The transplant was successfully ...
San Diego Blood Bank honors Jim Walker, an 81-year-old who donated 170 gallons of blood over five decades.
Vitalant urges all eligible blood donors, who are lucky enough to enjoy good health, to give blood and help ensure an ...
There were no headline-grabbing dramatic rescues, nor does Bear have an uncanny ability to sniff out illness. However, by donating blood, Bear has saved the lives of 20 dogs suffering from serious ...
Giving blood could have some surprising benefits, including protecting against leukaemia, heart attacks and high iron levels ...
Advertisement management junior Yashika Ramchandani created T100 Pro Bars, power bars geared towards people with diabetes and ...