Der Chemiekonzern IG Farben plante nahe dem KZ ein großes Industriewerk – und nutzte Häftlinge als Arbeiter. Über ein dunkles ...
Der Chemiekonzern IG Farben plante nahe dem KZ ein großes Industriewerk – und nutzte Häftlinge als Arbeiter. Über ein dunkles ...
OSWIECIM, Poland (AP) — A U.S.-based organization is transforming the house of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss into a research center devoted to fighting extremism, and is introducing it to ...
Out of necessity, then, the National Socialists had to derive most of their financing via membership fees, storm troopers ...
Es geht gern vergessen, dass in Auschwitz auch Polen nichtjüdischer Herkunft umkamen. Dazu passt, dass viele polnische ...
The city’s largest employer, the chemical company Synthos, was called IG Farbenindustrie A.G. during the war and used Auschwitz prisoners as slave labour. A sign near the museum also calls for ...
Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest secret Nazi concentration ... and how Jewish prisoners were used as slave labor for companies like Krupp, Siemens, IG Farben, and DAW. He explained the medical ...
Poland has hosted a day of sombre ceremonies to mark 80 years since the liberation of the Nazis' most notorious death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.
A U.S.-based organization is transforming the house of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss into a research center devoted to fighting extremism, and is introducing it to the public on the 80th ...
Auschwitz, located in southern Poland, became a symbol of the Holocaust's brutality. Around 1.1 million people were murdered there, the majority being Jews. Other victims included Poles, Roma ...
Though when it comes to commemorating the horrifying magnitude of what happened at Auschwitz, every passing year — including this, the 80th anniversary — is of equal importance. Not least ...
For 80 years, the haunting melodies of Auschwitz lay buried in silence, hidden among the archives of one of history’s darkest chapters. Now, for the first time, this lost music – composed by ...