Horrifying photos of what is believed to a training camp, Rancho Izaguirre, belonging to a Mexican drug cartel emerged online ...
I can offer no groundbreaking insight, but clearly Auschwitz is a place that opens up a well of emotions. To witness the barbed wire, the watchtowers, the barracks, the train tracks and the ...
Holocaust survivor Peter Feigl will share his story at 7 p.m. March 19 in the Viterbo University Fine Arts Center Main ...
Whether writing for the Los Angeles Times or NCR, Gustavo Arellano looks to the patron saint of journalists to comfort the ...
It is set in 1943 and involves the life of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss ... a boy on the other side of a barbed-wire fence. With tensions escalating within his family, Bruno's innocence ...
and to the stream punctuated with barbed wire which flows through the camp. A woman laughs behind me while playing with her child as I record the crematoria doors and ovens. A bell from a nearby ...
and laying a wreath before a sculpture of emaciated bodies entangled in barbed wire. “And it’s very important that those of us who are lucky enough to be alive can walk around, can know what ...
Set in Auschwitz during the Second World War ... Yes, this film will fray your nerves like wool dragged across a barbed wire fence, but it’s also a meditation on loss and trauma. Can widowed mother ...
After Peter Feigl's parents were deported from southwestern France to Auschwitz, he received help from the Jewish ... Peter ran as the guards fired shots toward him. He crossed the barbed wire and ...
In January 1942, Nazi leaders met to plan the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question.” Auschwitz was to play a key role in ...