On the floor was a tiny, red-and-orange checked cloth-bound book — Anne’s diary ... but the plans stalled. Gies and a few co-workers, ever loyal to Otto, worked to create the annex that concealed the ...
Many people are aware that Anne Frank’s words survived her death at ... Anne brings to life the seven other people who hid in a secret annex behind a warehouse and the six people who helped ...
Knight Frank has discovered ... A ground floor apartment is currently on the market, comprising two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a light-filled open-plan living, dining, and kitchen area with ...
The silence weighed inside the Anne Frank's hiding place ... Miep and her husband Jan Gies in 1987, at the entrance to the Frank family hideout Meanwhile, inside the annex, Ana was writing. She filled ...
Máxima commemorated one of her nation's most tragic stories, visiting a New York show that recreates the annex where the ...
Franklin dives into all of this by considering Anne Frank through a series of different lenses — child, refugee, prisoner, ...
Queen Máxima, 53, spent Tuesday morning touring "Anne Frank The Exhibition," a full-size recreation of the secret annex where the teenager hid with her family for two years in Amsterdam ...
A full-scale replica of the secret annex where Anne Frank penned her famous diary opened in New York City last month as the world marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The exhibit at the ...