Instagram is a force of nature, but it's not the only social network out there. If you're tired of using Instagram for any reason, you'll find many alternatives focused on photo sharing, messaging, and real connection.
The most popular social media platforms among Australia’s youth are mostly ones they are not old enough to be allowed on.
Is It Time to Break Up With Snapchat? Let's be honest, are we still using Snapchat to stay connected, or just out of habit, nostalgia, and lowkey stalking?
Photo and video apps targeting young adults with social hooks are a dime a dozen these days, so those that show traction with 18-twentysomethings tend to
On February 1, Snapchat officially introduced a new, unified monetization program for creators. They must post at least 25 times monthly to Saved Stories or Spotlight. They must post to either Spotlight or Public Stories on at least 10 of the last 28 days.
Can Yope, a new photo-sharing app that prioritizes privacy over public posting, avoid the fate of BeReal and other fleeting social media trends?
If you're looking to view someone's Snapchat stories without them knowing (anonymously), here are four simple tricks you can try right now.
A secondary school struggling to meet standards made a remarkable turnaround thanks to a bold decision to tackle smartphone distractions head-on.
Nobody Does It Like Sig Nu is a catchphrase inspired by a Snapchat viral video featuring a sweaty young man dancing at a party and saying, "Nobody does it