In 2024, more than 500 movies were released — but the average American has only seen three, according to new research. Gen Z ...
Mortgage rates might remain level for the first two-thirds of March. But they could rise after March 19, when the Federal ...
The world’s first and only ultra-low magnetic scanner could change the way breast cancer is diagnosed and treated, experts ...
Is an international exodus coming? In a recent survey, 17% of Americans said they’d like to move outside the U.S. in the next ...
The earliest evidence of humans living in such forests in Africa, around 150,000 years ago, has been discovered.
Mars has been red for millions of years longer than previously thought, suggests new research. The study has "transformed" ...
Night shift workers can reduce their cancer risk by taking the sleep hormone melatonin, suggests a new study. Melatonin ...
Grey hair and wrinkles could be prevented by new hormone treatments, according to a study. The naturally occurring chemicals ...
An advanced type of MRI scan uncovered "significant" problems in the lungs of children and teenagers who had long COVID.
Harmless flirting” (51%), chatting with an ex (60%) and watching porn (23%) could make or break a relationship, according to ...
Local representatives held a hearing at Pennsylvania College of Technology to discuss how new energy taxes could hurt ...
A little movement can help prevent the debilitating neurological condition - even for the elderly, say scientists.