Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt are the most prominent members of one of the most important families in American history. Theodore and Franklin occupy the White House for 19 of the first ...
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born January 30 ... During his last year at Harvard, he became engaged to Theodore Roosevelt’s niece, Eleanor Roosevelt, who was also his distant cousin. They married on ...
FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) - We now arrive at “FDR” - Franklin Delano Roosevelt ... former President Theodore Roosevelt.
Who pays for presidential libraries? The first one was established in 1939 by Franklin D. Roosevelt who donated personal and ...
Franklin Roosevelt was a great admirer of his fifth cousin, Theodore Roosevelt. Lyndon Johnson and Joe Biden aimed to be latter-day Franklin Delano Roosevelts. Now Donald Trump sees himself as a ...
Franklin married his cousin, Eleanor Roosevelt in 1903. Because her father was deceased, her uncle, Theodore Roosevelt, gave her away at the wedding, to the disapproval of Sara who did not approve ...
What voters said in a new poll The poll asked respondents for their thoughts on the following past presidents: George ...