HULL — Hundreds of people gathered at the annual Nantasket Polar Plunge to support the Special Olympics. Participants donned ...
It was a cold jump into frigid water on a snowy, 25-degree Saturday morning for about 200 people who took part in the annual Special Olympics Polar Plunge fundraiser at Dow Diamond in Midland.
Good and brave hearts will be returning to Lake Olathe on Feb. 22 to participate in the Polar Plunge, which raising money for Special Olympics Kansas. Courtesy photo Jody Gregory has figured out a ...
ALAMEDA, Calif. (KRON) — Dozens of people took part in the “Polar Plunge” at Alameda’s Crown Beach on Saturday to benefit the Special Olympics. KRON4 Meteorologist Kyla Grogan was on-hand ...
The week’s prior Polar Plunge in Mahomet, Ill. raised $80,000. The goal for last Sunday’s Polar Plunge at Eastern Illinois University was $15,000, and they were at $13,000 as of Saturday.
In an event designed to recharge body and mind while helping others, Polar Plunge participants jump into the ocean as a group at Leadbetter Beach. Or just wade in or dip a toe in the chilly sea.