No one knew what to say or how to stop her, since we don’t really even know her, and no one wanted her to be uncomfortable.
Dad’s girlfriend showed up to the letter writer’s bowling birthday party and took over. Dear Miss Manners: For my 40th ...
Do we have to invite them to join us at a restaurant at some point? If so, may we try to “dilute” them by inviting others?
DEAR MISS MANNERS: For my 40th birthday, my sister planned a bowling party. She is very organized, and pre-entered the names of all 12 guests into the lanes (two lanes, six people at each).
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin is asked how to get a young couple to send a "thank you" note.
DEAR MISS MANNERS: A pair of neighbors hosted my wife and me for an impromptu dinner, to which we contributed a nice salad.
Some medical facilities ban tipping because they pay parking attendants a living wage, and do not want patients with medical ...
I live near a university and pay students to do my laundry. Recently I found some expensive-looking and risqué underwear that ...
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin responds to a friend annoyed by their companion's companion.
In any case, and despite those who want their names on buildings, donations can be a private matter. You can merely commend ...
Some post ambiguous signs, presumably to have it both ways. You could ask your doctor, if you think the hospital’s policy is ...
Miss Manners suggests a compromise, but only for your more intimate friends: Ask one or two of them to keep you company while ...