R' Raphael Menachem Leboeuf, a beloved husband and father and expert Sofer Stam from Crown Heights, passed away on Wednesday, ...
Audiences in Central London and around Florida gathered to hear Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson discuss his latest book, "On Purpose: Practical Wisdom to Design a Life of Positivity." Based on the Rebbe's ...
The Alter Rebbe now goes on to explain what exactly it is about the revelation attainable in the World to Come that makes the revelation attainable even in the Higher Gan Eden pale in comparison.
Yahrzeit of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (the “Alter Rebbe”), a student of the Maggid of Mezritch, founder of the Chabad Hassidic movement and author of the Tanya, the basic work of Lubavitch ...
This is because all worlds can aspire (even now) to comprehension (“this” being a word denoting revelation)4; by contrast, as the Alter Rebbe will soon explain,5 the perceptions of Divinity in ...
Über die Gründe schweigen sich allen Seiten aus. Aber nach allem, was bisher bekannt ist, wurde Olaf Rebbe weniger aus fachlichen Gründen herausgeworfen. Das Zwischenmenschliche hat nicht gepasst.