The commission was all hands on deck, putting so much strain on their resources that they were forced to alter protocol.
The forester says two or three days after rain comes and goes, “light fuels” like grasses and leaves dry out and if high wind ...
A good portion of the state of Alabama, including nearly all of the Wiregrass, is in the “Abnormally Dry” intensity category ...
The commission was all hands on deck, putting so much strain on their resources that they were forced to alter protocol.
Alabama saw a record 181 wildfires Tuesday, burning 1,700 acres. The AFC warns against outdoor burning amid high fire risks.
Recent rainfall has provided some relief to the wildfires raging across Alabama, but experts warn that it is not enough to ...
Wildfires were burning in 54 of Alabama’s 67 counties, affecting nearly every corner of the state. Ten fires were reported in ...
On Tuesday, as a severe storm system swept through the state, AFC wildland firefighters say 181 wildfires were suppressed, a ...
If you smell smoke, you’re not the only one.’s Ramsey Archibald reports that 162 fires were burning across Alabama ...
For Sunday, there were 43 active wildfires covering about 1,106 acres and 121 contained wildfires covering about 3,717 acres.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. ( WIAT) — Strong winds are wreaking havoc when it comes to efforts to put down wildfires across Alabama. CBS ...
Residents in Madison County and across Alabama are asked to stop any and all burns this weekend as conditions are favorable ...